Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) [ Trees > Conifers . . . ] Forest Type: Coastal Redwood
by Michael Kuo Habitat: Dominating the "fog belt" of coastal California; in pure stands or mixed with other conifers or hardwoods. Stature: The tallest tree in the world (though not the most massive, which is the Giant Sequoia), typically 200-275 feet high but often over 300 feet high; to 12 feet in diameter; narrowly conical; very straight. Needles: To 1 inch long; dark yellowish green; flattened; appearing paired. Bark: 6-12 inches thick; deeply furrowed; reddish brown. Cones: To 1 inch; scales shield-shaped; maturing in one season. Frequent Mushroom Associates: Agaricus buckmacadooi; Caulorhiza umbonata; Entoloma species 02; Gliophorus species 01; Hygrocybe species; Leucopaxillus albissimus; Mycena species, including Mycena fusco-occula; and others. |
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