Pacific Madrone (Arbutus menziesii) [ Trees > Hardwoods . . . ] Forest Types: Multiple
by Michael Kuo Habitat: Sometimes in pure stands, but often mixed with other trees; in a variety of forest types; limited to the West Coast. Stature: 20-100 feet high; to 4 feet in diameter; with a rounded crown. Leaves: Evergreen; leathery; 3-6 inches long; unlobed; not usually toothed; dark green and shiny above; paler below. Bark: Thin; reddish brown; separating into papery scales that peel away to reveal the inner bark. Fruit: A round, orange berry up to half an inch long. Frequent Mushroom Associates: Amanita lanei; Entoloma bloxamii; Leccinum manzanitae; Mycena madronicola; Tapinella atrotomentosa; Tricholoma pardinum; Tricholoma saponaceum; Tubaria punicea; and many others. |
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