
Great Rhododendron (Rhododendron maximum)

[ Trees > Hardwoods . . . ]      Forest Type: Mixed Appalachian


Large shrub or small tree forming dense thickets in the Appalachians; leaves shaped like elongated candle flames, leathery and dark green, evergreen; flowers showy, whitish to pink or purple.

by Michael Kuo

Habitat: Found in moist, cool sites, usually as an understory tree; often in dense thickets; Appalachian Mountains and foothills.

Stature: Up to about 30 feet high but usually smaller; trunk to 1 foot in diameter; with a rounded, bushy crown.

Leaves: Evergreen; 4-12 inches long; shaped like elongated candle flames; edges even; leathery; smooth, shiny, and dark green above; paler below.

Bark: Thin; reddish brown; scaly when mature.

Flowers: Showy; whitish to pink or purple.

Fruit: Woody; nut-like; 5-shelled; about 1/2 inch long.

(References consulted)

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Mycena carolinensis . . .


Rhododendron maximum

Rhododendron maximum

Rhododendron maximum

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Kuo, M. (2010, November). Great Rhododendron (Rhododendron maximum). Retrieved from the MushroomExpert.Com Web site: