
Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda)

[ Trees > Conifers > Pines . . . ]      Forest Type: Southern Pine-Oak


Southeastern pine with needles 6-9 inches long, in bundles of three; cones 3-6 inches long, with sturdy, sharp spines; bark becoming reddish brown and scaly.

by Michael Kuo

Habitat: Growing in a variety of forest types, but fond of wet lowlands; in pure stands or mixed with other trees; often an enthusiastic colonizer of burned or logged areas; southeastern.

Stature: 90-110 feet high; to 3 feet in diameter; with a dense, rounded crown.

Needles: In bundles of 3 or, rarely, 2; 6-9 inches long.

Bark: Blackish when young, becoming reddish brown and prominently scaly.

Cones: 3-6 inches long; each scale with a sturdy, sharp spine.

(References consulted)

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Pinus taeda

Pinus taeda

Pinus taeda

Pinus taeda

Pinus taeda

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Kuo, M. (2007, October). Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda). Retrieved from the MushroomExpert.Com Web site: